sgcWebSockets 4.0.2

sgcWebSockets 4.0.2 introduces a new client for MQTT protocol. It's designed for lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport and is usually used in IoT (Internet of Things).

Full List

 [+] : New Component TsgcWSPClient_MQTT, implements MQTT protocol, it's still beta and next versions will support more methods.

 [+] : MQTT client, added connect method.

 [+] : MQTT client, added connack method.

 [+] : MQTT client, added pingreq method.

 [+] : MQTT client, added pingresp method.

 [+] : MQTT client, added disconnect method.


 [*] : Fixed Bug Javascript SGC Protocol, when calling rpc method with non numeric parameters.

 [*] : Fixed Access Violation on client components when hard socket disconnect.

 [*] : Fixed Bug Dataset Protocol, synchronization didn't search if record exists.

 [*] : Fixed Bug when client disconnects, sometimes OnDisconnect event was not raised.

 [*] : Fixed Bug Dataset Protocol, parsing error in float fields.