Rad Studio

[+] : New Pinecone API Client, it's a vector database which provides long-term memory for AI using embeddings from AI models.
[+] : New Demo showing the main features of Pinecone API, it's located in the folder "15.AI\10.Vector_Database\01.Pinecone".
[+] : New TsgcAIDatabaseVectorFile, handles the OpenAI Embedding vectors using 2 files: one for vectors and another for the prompts. This component is for testing purposes, not for production. For production use any Vector Database like Pinecone.
[+] : New TsgcAIDatabaseVectorPinecone, store and query the OpenAI Embedding vectors using the Pinecone API.
[+] : New Demo showing how to build a Questions & Answers application using custom knowledge data (stored in a pinecone database or in a text file) and OpenAI Chat API, it's located in the folder "15.AI\02.Applications\03.QA".
[+] : Improved SignalR Component, now allows to send/receive binary data.
[+] : New Demo showing how to login using a Google or Microsoft account in Mobile devices, the demo is located in the folder "Demos\20.HTTP_Protocol\09.OAuth2_Social\sgcOAuth2_Social_FMX".
[+] : Fixed Demo OAuth2 Client using TWebBrowser on Windows 11, javascript not supported when trying to login using a google account.
[+] : Improved ChatGPT Demo located in the folder "Demos\15.AI\01.QuickStart\04.ChatGPT". (Thanks to Dobrin for the improvements).

[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAI Client, an exception was raised trying to read the vector embeddings response.
[*] : Fixed Bug OpenAI Client, invalid JSON request "utf-8", the text was not encoded properly.
[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Server, the url parameters were not decoded.
[*] : Fixed Bug FPC compiling SpeechToText components.
[*] : Fixed Bug Telegram Client under Android, library cannot be loaded.
[*] : Fixed Bug Telegram Client under Android 32, the following error was raised while compiling "component is not declared".
[*] : Fixed Bug WebPush Demo, openSSL 3.0 was not set by default (Thanks to Ad to let me know).
[*] : Fixed Bug sgcIdSSLOpenSSLHeaders_static compiling error on iOS when setting an openSSL API Version.

[*] : Fixed Bug sgcIdSSLOpenSSLHeaders_static access violation error on iOS. 


[*] : Fixed Bug OAuth2 Server, the url parameters were not decoded.