sgcWebSockets 4.1.10

With sgcWebSockets 4.1.10 we introduce a new API

  • CEX.IO: is a cryptocurrency exchange and former Bitcoin cloud mining provider.

There is a new protocol:


 Full List of Changes:


[+] : New Client Component TsgcWSAPI_Cex,  is a cryptocurrency exchange and former Bitcoin cloud mining provider.

[+] : New WebSocket Server Protocol: AppRTC, is a WebRTC server using AppRTC Demo code.

[+] : New Demo for AppRTC protocol.


[*] : Fixed Bug when calling disconnect, some methods where called more than once.

[*] : Fixed Bug TThread calling terminate before Execute method has been called.

[*] : Fixed Bug OnException event, sometimes Exception parameter was corrupted.

[*] : Fixed Bug WebRTC protocol, remote video was not working.

[*] : Fixed some stability issues in websocket client component in high load connections.

[*] : Fixed Bug File Protocol when call WriteData method. 

[*] : Fixed Bug File Protocol when Files.BufferSize = 0 and Files.QoS.Level = qosLevel1 or qosLevel2, when a file was sent never end.

[*] : Fixed Bug List Index Out of Bounds in some cases when trying to access to Channels Subscribed.


[/] : Properties RecBytes and SendBytes of TsgcWSConnection now are Int64.

[/] : WebRTC protocol, now remote video is assigned in sgcaddstream event.