WebRTC Server Command Line Application for Windows, OSX and Linux

WebRTC Server Commands

WebRTC Protocol

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a free, open-source project that provides web browsers and mobile applications with real-time communication (RTC) via simple application programming interfaces (APIs). It allows audio and video communication to work inside web pages by allowing direct peer-to-peer communication, eliminating the need to install plugins or download native apps.


Its mission is to enable rich, high-quality RTC applications to be developed for the browser, mobile platforms, and IoT devices.


Build WebRTC Applications for: Secure Video Monitoring, Shared live media streaming, Video conversations with experts, Interactive online gaming...

WebRTC Server Win32

WebRTC Server Win32
WebRTC Server Win32

WebRTC Server Win64

WebRTC Server Win64
WebRTC Server Win64

WebRTC Server OSX64

WebRTC Server OSX64
WebRTC Server OSX64

WebRTC Server OSXARM64

WebRTC Server OSXARM64
WebRTC Server OSXARM64

WebRTC Server Linux64

WebRTC Server Linux64
WebRTC Server Linux64

Start server

Example: start server listening

{"message": "start", "params":{"host": "", "port":443}}

Example: start server listening

{"message": "start", "params":{"host": "", "port":8443}}

How open a new audio/video session

Example: start new web-browser session

1. Go to

2. Press join button

3. You will join a new room

4. If other peer wants to join your joon, just send your url (something like:

Stop server

{"message": "stop"}



TCP Server

All console applications can run an internal TCP Server that allows to send and receive commands as if were written directly on the console application.

Just start the application with the command -server and a new server will be started listening on port 8080. Example: if you want enable the server on WebSocket client, start the console application as follows:

sgcWebSocketClient.exe -server

Find below the full TCP Server parameters:

-server: starts the internal server on port 8080

-server.port: sets the listening port

-server.ip: sets the binding ip (useful if there are multiple ips).

If the server is enabled, a client connected to this server can send any JSON message and will receive any response as if was written directly from console application.

Example: if you want enable server on IP and Port 5412

sgcWebSocketClient.exe -server -server.ip -server.port 5412