DevExtreme Datagrid WebSocket Protocol

DevExtreme Data Grid, from DevExpress, it's a powerful Data Grid for Javascript. One of the features it's partial updates which allows to update a record of a grid without updating the full page. Usually the update is received using WebSocket protocol.

sgcWebSockets library can be used with DevExtreme Data Grid, allowing to update the Grid in Real-Time without losing performance.

Push API 

DevExtreme uses a push API to update the Grid when a new modification is received. The server pass the data to the clients, usually using WebSocket protocol, and then pushes the modifications to the grid.

store.push([{ type: "insert", data: data }]); // if a new object is created
store.push([{ type: "update", data: data, key: key }]); // if an existing object is changed
store.push([{ type: "remove", key: key }]); // if an object is removed 

Below is an example of using sgcWebSockets Dataset Protocol with the DevExtreme Push API. It's a WebSocket server that provides Real-Time Stock Quotes to all Clients connected.

    // ... create a new websocket connection using dataset protocol
    var ws = new sgcws_dataset("ws://");

    // ... when the client connects to websocket server
	ws.on('open', function(evt){
	    // first request all quotes
	    // create the grid configuration	
            dataSource: store,
            showBorders: true,
            repaintChangesOnly: true,
            highlightChanges: true,
            columns: [
			{dataField: "Id"},
			{dataField: "Symbol"},
                dataField: "Open",
                dataType: "number",
                format: "#0.####"
                dataField: "High",
                dataType: "number",
                format: "#0.####"
                dataField: "Low",
                dataType: "number",
                format: "#0.####"
                dataField: "Last",
                dataType: "number",
                format: "#0.####"
	// ... synchronization starts
    ws.on('sgcbeforesynchronize', function(evt) {
		vSync = true;
	// ... synchronization ends
    ws.on('sgcaftersynchronize', function(evt) {
		vSync = false;
	// ... record update is received
	// ... create a new JSON object with stock data information
	// ... call push method to update the grid
    ws.on('sgcdataset', function(evt){ 
	  var id = evt.dataset["ID"];
	  var symbol = evt.dataset["NAME"];
	  var open = evt.dataset["OPEN"].replace(',', '.');
	  var high = evt.dataset["HIGH"].replace(',', '.');
	  var low = evt.dataset["LOW"].replace(',', '.');
	  var last = evt.dataset["LAST"].replace(',', '.');		
	  var change = evt.dataset["CHANGE"].replace(',', '.');		
	  var quote = JSON.parse("{\"Id\":" + id + ", \"Symbol\":\"" + symbol + "\", \"Open\": " + open + ", \"High\": " + high + ", \"Low\": " + low + ", \"Last\": " + last + ", \"Change\": " + change + "}");
	  if (vSync == true)
	    store.push([{ type: "insert", key: quote.Id, data: quote, index: -1 }]);
	    store.push([{ type: "update", key: quote.Id, data: quote}]);

Find below the compiled DevExtreme Data Grid + sgcWebSockets demo for Windows.

File Name: sgcDevExtremeGrid
File Size: 3.3 mb
Download File
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