Monday, 08 November 2021
  5 Replies
  1.5K Visits
i installed sgcWebSockets 4.5.3 in Rad Studio XE3. I added a sgcWebClient object to the project but now I get a compile time error in WinInet.h ($(BDSINCLUDE)\windows\sdk):

[bcc32 Error] wininet.h (60): E2015 Ambiguity between 'HINTERNET' and 'Sgcwebsocket_winapi :: HINTERNET'.[/i]

I would be very grateful for a suggestion.

Francesco Sgaravatti
3 years ago

Glad to hear it works! thanks for your feedback.

Kind Regards,
Thank You a lot, Sergio !
I have succesfully compiled my project !

Kind Regards,
3 years ago

I've sent you a private message with a link to download a new trial.

Kind Regards,
Hi Sergio,
Thank you very much for your answer !
Unfortunatly I am already using the TsgcWebSocketClient object together with the TsgcHTTP_JWT_Client object , so I don't think I can adopt the work-around.
I would therefore need to update the components but for the moment I am only using the trial version.
Can you help me anyway?

With Kind regards.
3 years ago

The error appears because in the unit sgcWebsocket_Winapi the object HINTERNET is defined, and the project makes uses of wininet (where the same object is defined too). I've modified the unit to prevent HINTERNET and INTERNET_PORT from being generated under CBuilder (if there are more objects with the same ambiguity error just let me know and I will fix it). If you've an active source code license you can download the latest from your account which includes this fix.
As a workaround, instead of make of use TsgcWebSocketClient_Winhttp, you can make use of TsgcWebSocketClient which doesn't make uses of sgcWebSocket_Winapi.
Thanks for letting me know.

Kind Regards,
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