Sunday, 24 April 2022
  3 Replies
  1.1K Visits
Can you try installing with Laz 2.2.0? Fails for me.

2 years ago
Accepted Answer

Glad to hear it's working. I've updated the lazarus version to 2.2.0 and fixed a small bug, these changes will be available on next version, which will released next week.
Thanks for the feedback.

Kind Regards,
2 years ago

I've tried to install Lazarus on Windows a works well. Which error is showing Lazarus?

Kind Regards,
2 years ago
I got it working after some cleanup. Installed fine for windows 2.2.0 as well as linux 2.2.0

Thanks for help,
2 years ago
Accepted Answer

Glad to hear it's working. I've updated the lazarus version to 2.2.0 and fixed a small bug, these changes will be available on next version, which will released next week.
Thanks for the feedback.

Kind Regards,
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