Wednesday, 15 January 2025
  15 Replies
  192 Visits
I'm testing the newest version of sgcWebSockets in Delphi to try to connect to a server.

The server I'm connecting to is using this type of auth:

I can't see any documentation that this type of auth is supported. I've tried using TsgcWebSocketClient Authentication.Token, but that doesn't seem to work with this type of auth.
1 month ago

It seems this auth requires to pass the token when opening the http request to get a new session, so you should use the event OnHTTPRequest of the API, find below how to pass a bearer token example, just replace "your-token" by the correct value

procedure OnHTTPRequest(Sender: TObject; aRequest: TsgcWSSocketIOHTTPRequest);
aRequest.Headers.Add('Authorization: Token your-token');

If doesn't work, and you can provide the server where you must connect please provide more details and I'll check in my machine.

Kind Regards,
1 month ago
Hi. It's not a part of the headers. It's sent during the CONNECT in the protocol. See the example here under 'with an additional payload':
1 month ago
It is possibly also a part of the handshake outside of the header. See info here:

Similar to the HandShakeTimestamp you've already implemented.
1 month ago

The Socket handshake is just an HTTP GET request with some parameters. According the url:

The Auth is passed as a payload, but a HTTP GET request hasn't a payload, it's not a POST, so I assume they are referring to pass an Authorization header like in the example I've sent previously. Did you tested it? it doesn't work?

Kind Regards,
1 month ago
No. The auth is in the payload when connecting to the namespace. See info in the socket io code:

* the authentication payload sent when connecting to the Namespace
auth?: { [key: string]: any } | ((cb: (data: object) => void) => void);

* Credentials that are sent when accessing a namespace.
* @example
* const socket = io({
* auth: {
* token: "abcd"
* }
* });
* // or with a function
* const socket = io({
* auth: (cb) => {
* cb({ token: localStorage.token })
* }
* });
public auth: { [key: string]: any } | ((cb: (data: object) => void) => void);
4 weeks ago

I've added a new property "HandShakeAuthToken" to set the Authentication token. Find attached a compiled sample that use this new feature.

Kind Regards,
Attachments (1)
4 weeks ago
Ok. It seems to work with the sample. When will the trial version for Delphi be updated so we can test this further?
4 weeks ago
Next month will be a new release, but I can compile a trial with this feature if you tell me which is your delphi version.
4 weeks ago
We're using Delphi 11.
4 weeks ago
Find below the link to download the trial for D11

Kind Regards,
3 weeks ago
Ok. Thanks. The auth now works as expected. We also need to use query parameters. Is that something that you have support for?
3 weeks ago
Use the parameters property, example:

WSSocketIO.SocketIO.Parameters := '&x=42';
3 weeks ago
I'm trying to send a string array and it doesn't seem to work, like this:

const socket = io({
query: {
arr: ['a', 'b']

Tired with

WSSocketIO.SocketIO.Parameters := '&arr=[''a'',''b'']';

WSSocketIO.SocketIO.Parameters := '&arr=["a","b"]';

WSSocketIO.SocketIO.Parameters := '&arr=%5B%27a%27,%27b%27%5D';

and various other similar combinations, but nothing seem to work
3 weeks ago

Send without "[]" characters

WSSocketIO.SocketIO.Parameters := '&arr=' + sgcEncodeURIComponent('a,b');

sgcEncodeURIComponent function makes uses of the sgcBase_Helpers unit.

Kind Regards,
3 weeks ago
Ok. Thanks
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