Apple Push Notifications - Send HTTP/2 notifications (Part 2/4)

In the previous blog, I show how retrieve a device token, now I will show how use the HTTP/2 sgcWebSockets client to send a notification (without the authentication part). Send your remote notification payload and device token information to Apple Push Notification service (APNs). How Connect to APNs You must use HTTP/2 protocol and at least TLS 1....

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Apple Push Notifications - Register your App (Part 1/4)

sgcWebSockets library supports HTTP/2 protocol on Server and Client side components, Apple Push Notifications only allows to send Push Notifications from a Server Provider using HTTP/2 protocol, so in the following articles I will show how send push notifications using sgcWebSockets library. The Server Provider (who sends the push notifications to ...

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OAuth2 Client Credentials

OAuth2 Client Component now supports Client Credentials as grant type, this type of grant is commonly used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user. These types of applications are often referred to as daemons or service accounts. OAuth2 Flow Client Credentials  Azure OAuth2 G...

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HTTP Post Big Files

sgcWebSockets Servers allow to Post Big Files without affecting the server memory.  When a HTTP client sends a multipart/form-data stream, the stream is saved by server in memory. When the files are big, the server can get an out of memory exception, to avoid these exceptions, the server has a property called HTTPUploadFiles where you can conf...

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OpenSSL Perfect Forward Secrecy

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.8 there are small modifications in library to improve security of connections. One of them is Perfect Forward Secrecy When you use the RSA key exchange mechanism, it creates a link between the server's key pair and the session key created for each unique secure session. Thus, if an attacker is ever able to get hold ...

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WebSocket Masked Messages

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.8 the Log of websocket messages has been improved. Till now, the messages were saved as was sent/received by socket, this means that when a websocket message was sent by websocket client, this was first masked and then saved to log. As the message was masked, it can't be read easily so the log was useless for the websock...

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SChannel Certificates

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.7 the use of Certificates using SChannel as crypto library is supported. The SChannel implementation supports 2 types of certificate authentication: 1. Using a PFX certificate 2. Setting the Hash Thumbprint of an already installed certificate in the windows system. PFX Certificate  PFX Certificate is a file that con...

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Binance Futures APIs USDT and COIN

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.7, both Binance Futures APIs are supported: USDT and COIN. USD Futures: COIN Futures: Configuration  Client can connect to USDT or COIN Binance Futures, set which contract you want to trade using FuturesCon...

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Telegram Bot Chat not found

When you log as bot, the GetChats method cannot be used, so you don't get All available chats. If it's the first time you login as Bot and you try to send a message to a known Chat, you will get this error: {"@type":"error","code":5,"message":"Chat not found"} The solution is before send a telegram message, call GetChat method and pass the ChatId a...

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Telegram Send Message Bold, Italic...

Telegram client has been improved with a new method, SendRichTextMessages, which supports the use of styles like: bold, italic, underline, strike and code. The use is very simple, if you want send a text in bold, just use the following notation: This is a **bold** text. Markdown Syntax  Bold [ * ] **This is bold message** Italic [ _ ] __T...

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AWS Cognito and OAuth2

sgcWebSockets library supports OAuth2 Authentication in Server and Client components, next version will include a new feature required by AWS Cognito service, when you try to authenticate using OAuth2 with Cognito, the service requires that the Server listens on a Secure port, so now OAuth2 Client component can use SSL/TLS encryption layer. The Loc...

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HTTP/2 Alternate Service

The Alt-Svc HTTP header is used to inform the clients that the same resource can be reached from another service or protocol, this is useful if you want inform the HTTP clients that your server supports HTTP/2 for example. Example: if your server is running on a local IP and is listening on 2 ports: 80 (non encrypted) and 443 (encrypted)....

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WebSocket Client Before Connect and Before WatchDog

WebSocket Client can be customized with some of the events available. There are 2 new events added to the latest version: OnBeforeConnect: this event is called just before the client tries to connect to server OnBeforeWatchDog: sgcWebSocket client has a built-in method to reconnect after a disconnection called WatchDog, this event is called before ...

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Forward HTTP Requests

From  sgcWebSockets 4.4.6, forward HTTP requests is supported. Reverse proxy is useful when there is a single server listening on a public port and behind it there are other servers that cannot be accessed from a public address.  Example: you can serve all HTTP requests using our sgcWebSockets server and forward to another serve...

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HTTP/2 Server Push

A new feature has been added to Indy Servers, now Server Push is supported by sgcWebSockets library. HTTP usually works with Request/Response pattern, where client REQUEST a resource to SERVER and SERVER sends a RESPONSE with the resource requested or an error. Usually the client, like a browser, makes a bunch of requests for those assets...

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OAuth2 Customize Sign-In HTML

When an OAuth2 client do a request to get a new Access Token, a Web-Page is shown in a web-browser to Allow this connection and login with an User and Password. The HTML page is included by default in Server component, but this code can be customized using OnAuth2BeforeDispatchPage event. procedure OnOAuth2BeforeDispatchPage(Sender: TObject; OAuth2...

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OAuth2 Server Allow none authenticated requests

By default, when OAuth2 is enabled on Server Side, all the HTTP Requests require Authentication using Bearer Tokens. If you want allow some URLs to be accessed without the need of use a Bearer Token, you can use the event OnOAuth2BeforeRequest Find below a sample code which shows the use of the event. procedure OnOAuth2BeforeRequest(Sender: TObject...

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OAuth2 Server Register Apps

Before a new OAuth2 is requested by a client, the App must be registered in the server. Register a new App requires the following information:   App Name: is the name of the Application. Example: MyApp  RedirectURI: is where the responses will be redirected. Example:  ClientId: is public information and is the I...

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OAuth2 Server Endpoints

By default, the OAuth2 Server uses the following Endpoints:   Authorization: /sgc/oauth2/auth   Token: /sgc/oauth2/token Which means that if your server listens on IP and port 8443, the full OAuth2 Endpoints will be:   Authorization:   Token:

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WatchDog Monitor Server

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.4 a new property Monitor has been added to WatchDog feature, WatchDog.Monitor allows to verify if new clients can connect to server, this is done by an internal client that tries to open a WebSocket connection to server, if fails, it restart the server.  To monitor if clients can connect to server with a Time Out of 10 s...

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