MacOS Monterey error loading openSSL libraries

After upgrading to MacOS Monterey, you may experience an error trying to load the openSSL libraries. Invalid dylib load. Clients should not load the unversioned libcrypto dylib as it does not have a stable ABI. This error appears when trying to load an unversioned dylib instead of a library with a revision number. To avoid this error, there is a ne...

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sgcWebSockets 4.5.3

Rad Studio  Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.5.3:  [+] : Added support for OpenSSL 3.0.0 [+] : New Component TsgcWSAPIServer_RTCMultiConnection, server implementation of RTCMultiConnection project based on WebRTC which allows: MultiVideoConferences, Screen Sharing and Video Broadcast...

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OpenSSL 3.0 Indy Delphi and .NET

From sgcWebSockets 4.5.3, the openSSL 3.0 libraries are supported for the following compilers: Delphi 7 - Rad Studio 11 Windows 32/64OSX 64Android 32/64iOS 64Linux 64.NETWindows 32/64 OpenSSL 3.0  OpenSSL it's a major release with several internal changes, but it doesn't offers several advantages over 1.1 The openSSL libraries have been rename...

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RTCMultiConnection Delphi Server API

From sgcWebSockets 4.5.3, RTCMultiConnection is supported. RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.) Configuration The RTCMultiConnection requires a WebSocket server for Signaling, so link the server property of RTCMultiConnecti...

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sgcWebSockets Pusher client has been improved on 4.5.3 version, the HTTP API has been implemented allowing to trigger events, get users of a channel and get a list of channels. Pusher is a hosted WebSockets solution for building powerful realtime interactive apps. The sgcWebSockets client allows to use the following pusher channels: Public Channels...

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sgcWebSockets 4.5.2

Here is the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes included in sgcWebSockets 4.5.2: [+] : Added support for Rad Studio 11 Alexandria. [+] : New Component TsgcTURNServer, implements the STUN/TURN Server Protocol. [+] : New Component TsgcTURNClient, implements the STUN/TURN Client Protocol. [+] : New Demo which shows how use TURN Server and...

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Rad Studio 11 Alexandria

Rad Studio 11 Alexandria has been released and sgcWebSockets 4.5.2 version supports it. Customers with an active subscription can download latest version with support for Rad Studio 11. You can check here the new features

DevExtreme Datagrid WebSocket Protocol

DevExtreme Data Grid, from DevExpress, it's a powerful Data Grid for Javascript. One of the features it's partial updates which allows to update a record of a grid without updating the full page. Usually the update is received using WebSocket protocol. sgcWebSockets library can be used with DevExtreme Data Grid, allowing to update the Grid in Real-...

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Delphi 3Commas Client

From sgcWebSockets 4.5.2, 3Commas API is supported. 3Commas is a cryptocurrency trading platform designed to help you build automated trading bots. APIs supportedWebSockets API: connect to a public websocket server and provides real-time market data updates.REST API: The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public...

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Telegram Libraries Updated

sgcWebSockets supports Telegram TDLib, so you can build your own Telegram Client for any Delphi personality: Windows 32Windows 64Mac OSXiOSAndroidLinux64 The Telegram libraries have been updated to the latest TDLib version 1.7.6. Customers with an Active subscription can download from private account. Review the changelog from the following li...

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