Could not load SSL library

Some libraries, like Indy, use openssl to connect to secure servers using TLS. As some components from sgcWebSockets package are based on Indy library, make use of openssl libraries and sometimes you get an error message when you can load a library. There are several reasons why you can't load the openssl library. In the following lines I will...

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WebSocket Upload File Demo

This is a demo which shows how upload a file to a websocket server. Follow the next steps: Select a file which will be sent to server.Then press connect. If connection is successful a message will show you are connected to server.Press upload button and when file has been transferred you will see a message confirming this. Upload File Demo Select f...

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Obsolete Connection String using RSA

sgcWebSockets library allows to run Secure WebSocket Servers using openSSL libraries, if you start a new secure server and try to connect with a web browser like chrome, will run fine and shows a green lock for the wss connection. But if you check the details of connection, you will see that chrome complains about security of it. Fix Cipher Suite&n...

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Indy supports ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation)

ALPN or Application Layer Protocol Name is a TLS extension that includes the protocol negotiation within the exchange of hello messages. ALPN is able to negotiate which protocol should be handled over a secure connection in a way that is more efficient and avoids additional round trips. The ever-growing in popularity HTTP/2 protocol, makes use...

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