HTTP/2 Initial Server Support

From sgcWebSockets 4.4.3 HTTP/2 protocol is initially supported (it's still on beta) from TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer. Fast HTTP.SYS based server will receive support for HTTP/2 on next versions. By default, HTTP/2 support is disabled, so you must enable before testing. There is a new property, called HTTP2Options, just set HTTP2Options.Enabled = ...

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sgcWebSockets 4.4.1

Changes included in sgcWebSockets 4.4.1 [+] : Improved Telegram API Component, added support for Android. [+] : New property "DatabaseDirectory" in Telegram Client. Allows to set the directory where is the TDLib database. [+] : Improved Telegram Demo to ask user for a password if telegram component requires it. [+] : Improved speed reading websocke...

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WebSockets .NET Client C#

QuickStart  1. Create a new Window Forms Application 2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient onto a Form and configure Host and Port Properties to connect to Server. 3. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:  TsgcWebSocketClient1.Active = true; 4. Drop a Button onto the Form, Double Click and type this code:  TsgcWebSocketC...

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WebSockets .NET Server C#

QuickStart 1. Create a new Window Forms Application 2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer onto a Form. 3. On Events Tab, Double click OnMessage Event, and type following code: private void OnMessage(TsgcWSConnection Connection, const string Text){ MessageBox.Show("Message Received From Client: " + Text);} 4. Drop a Button onto the Form, Double Click and ty...

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WebSockets .NET

WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.The WebSocket protocol enables interaction between a web browser (or other client application, like .NET Application) and a web server with lower overhead than half-duplex alternatives such as HTTP polling, facilitating real-ti...

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TCP Half-Open Connections

Once the connection has been established, if no peer sends any data, then no packets are sent over the net. TCP is an idle protocol, so it assumes that the connection is active. Disconnection reasons Application closes: when a process is finished, usually sends a FIN packet which acknowledges the other peer that connection has been closed. But if a...

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Telegram Client

Telegram offers two kinds of APIs, one is Bot API which allows to create programs that use Bots and HTTPs as protocol. Telegram API and TDLib allows to build customized Telegram clients and is much more powerful than Bot API. From sgcWebSockets 4.3.7 supports TDLib through tdjson library (for Windows 32 and Windows 64), which means that you can bui...

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sgcWebSockets and React client

sgcWebSockets library fully supports RFC6455, so any client that supports this RFC will be able to connect to our servers. You can connect with REACT to sgcWebSockets library without problems, just create a new class which implements WebSocket class and use it to connect, send messages, receive messages from server... React WebSocket Example  ...

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SignalR Server and Client C#

sgcWebSockets supports SignalR and SignalRCore protocols, now we will see an example of how connect to a SignalR Server using a c# sample from CodeProject webpage, you can access to article using the following link: This article shows ho...

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Could not load SSL library

Some libraries, like Indy, use openssl to connect to secure servers using TLS. As some components from sgcWebSockets package are based on Indy library, make use of openssl libraries and sometimes you get an error message when you can load a library. There are several reasons why you can't load the openssl library. In the following lines I will...

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