Rad Studio Setup Updated

The installer setup for eSeGeCe customers have been updated and now implements the following new features: 1. A single setup is used for all sgcWebSockets source code editions. 2. Offline installation. 3. Third-party libraries included in the installer. 4. New Command Line parameters. 5. Added support for Rad Studio 12 One setup for All E...

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Indy Setup Rad Studio Delphi and CBuilder

From sgcWebSockets 2022.10.0, the sgcIndy package can be installed using a windows setup. The sgcIndy setup uninstall the Standard Indy version that comes with Rad Studio, install the new Indy version and register the required paths. Installation  Execute the Installer.First you must set your username/password of your private eSeGeCe account. ...

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New sgcWebSockets Windows Installer

sgcWebSockets for Delphi or CBuilder now can be installed using a windows setup, this installer uses the fantastic Innosetup application. The installer copies the required files, build the packages, install the design-time package and register the required paths in the Rad Studio IDE. Installer Find below step by step how install the package (...

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File not found bplrtl270.dylib

Compiling sgcWebSockets in Rad Studio 10.4.1, some users reported problems compiling under OSX64, they get this error: Directory not found for option 'Lc:\Program Files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\21.0\redist\OSX64 file not found bplrtl270.dylib Fix bplrtl270.dylib error Seems latest Rad Studio version breaks something, and some required files are mis...

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Conditional Compilation sgcWebSockets

sgcWebSockets library has a configuration file located in source folder where contains all conditional compilations. This file is sgcVer.inc. If you open this file, you will see there are lots of conditional defines, basically for every Delphi / C++ Builder version, there are a bunch of conditional defines. For example, for Rad Studio 10.3 there ar...

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Could not load SSL library

Some libraries, like Indy, use openssl to connect to secure servers using TLS. As some components from sgcWebSockets package are based on Indy library, make use of openssl libraries and sometimes you get an error message when you can load a library. There are several reasons why you can't load the openssl library. In the following lines I will...

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